Thursday, January 19, 2012

EDGE Certification Program call for Applications!

The BIOCOM Institute is excited to announce that the second cohort of the Biofuels Science Technician Certificate Program is starting in April 2012 at UCSD Extension!  Grant funded training opportunities through this certificate program will provide  hands-on technical knowledge and experience in biofuels production, analysis, and processing required to excel in a management-level biofuels career, in one of three areas: analytical chemistry, microbiological/crop management, or biological/biofuels lab techniques.  Applications are now being accepted!

Additional information about the program is attached. If you would like to attend an informal meeting to learn about the program in detail, and to get answers to questions from the UCSD Extension Program Coordinator, please RSVP to Karen Overklift.  Space is limited and applications will only be accepted from California residents.

BSTC Introductory Meeting  – January 26th at  2:00 p.m.

This introductory meeting will cover:
·        Program prerequisites
·        Overview of the three different tracks
·        Course overview
·        Time commitment/schedule
·        Grant eligibility

Meetings will take place at BIOCOM, 4510 Executive Drive, Plaza One, San Diego, CA 92121.

If you have not already submitted your application, we encourage you to start the process today.  For application form, please contact: Karen Overklift, Associate Director of Outreach & Enrollment, 858-455-0300 x104 or

For more information:

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